The below reading list provides a comprehensive overview of references used for my first book (in Dutch). Most are in English so can also be used by non-Dutch speakers.
Hieronder een uitgebreid overzicht van de bronnen gebruikt voor het boek ‘Zo kan het niet langer‘ gepubliceerd door Uitgeverij Ten Have in april 2023. Voor vragen: contact.

- Death Valley, California, breaks the all-time world heat record for the second year in a row | Yale Climate Connections
- Climate Change Linked to 5 million Deaths a Year, New Study Shows | Bloomberg
- Data on statistics on environmental migration
- Think climate action is expensive? Inaction could cost $178 trillion. | Grist
- 69% average decline in wildlife populations since 1970 | WWF
- LPR 2020 Full report
- End new oil, gas and coal funding to reach net zero, says IEA | Reuters
- Banking on Climate Chaos Report
- Fossil Fuel Subsidies | IMF
- Nederland, stop met fossiele miljardensubsidies | FD
- Private jet use is more popular than ever | CNBC
- Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2022 | World Bank
- World Hunger Facts & Statistics | Action Against Hunger
- Investing In Disaster | Price of Oil
- Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying | IPCC
- Jo-Jikum – Programs and activities
- Videos (
- The United States’ Shameful Nuclear Legacy in the Marshall Islands
- Bringing Global Outcomes of the Climate Action Summit to the Country Level: Marshall Islands
- Bringing to the Forefront the Voices of Youth from the Marshall Islands
- Marshall Islands marches toward zero greenhouse emissions by 2050 | Reuters
Hoofdstuk 1
- The Legislative Effectiveness of Women in Congress | Vanderbilt University
- Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly? The Green-Feminine Stereotype and Its Effect on Sustainable Consumption
- Waarom mannen slechter zijn voor het milieu dan vrouwen
- Jimmy Carter: How Empowering Women Can Solve Climate Change | TIME
- Gender differences in charitable giving | Wiley
- Giving while female: Women are more likely to donate to charities than men of equal means | The Conversation
- The Donella Meadows Project
- Systems Thinking: Life-Enhancing Business Through Leadership | Sustainable Brands
- 8 opmerkelijke verschillen tussen mannen- en vrouwenhersenen | Knack
- Research: Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills | HBR
- Man-made disaster: How patriarchy is ruining the planet
- Female CEOs Are More Likely to Be Fired Than Males, Study Finds | Forbes
- ‘Je moet bij klimaatpolitiek kijken naar de daden, niet naar de woorden’ | Volkskrant
- Rutte wil Olympisch kampioen klimaataanpak worden | FD
- Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability | TED Talk
Hoofdstuk 2
- NDC Partnership Gender Strategy
- Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction | UNDP
- The Gendered Impacts of Climate Displacement | Climate Refugees
- 5 Questions About Agricultural Emissions, Answered | World Resources Institute
- Geen ‘ontwikkelingsland’, maar wat dan wel? | OneWorld
- Forget ‘developing’ poor countries, it’s time to ‘de-develop’ rich countries – Jason Hickel | Guardian
- Women in agriculture: Closing the gender gap for development
- Women in agriculture | FAO
- 5 Countries Where Women Play a Vital Role in Agriculture | Global Citizen
- The gender gap in land rights | FAO
- The Gender Gap in Access to Finance | World Bank
- Global Emissions | C2ES
- Household Air Pollution, A Gender Issue
- Household air pollution and health | WHO
- Women, Drivers of the Energy Transition | IDB Invest
- Global Emissions | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
- Women’s Safety and Security | OECD
- Gender Data Series | Data-Pop Alliance
- She’s French (2017) | IMDb
- Transit Systems Must Address Women’s Safety Concerns
- Gender Responsive NDC Action Plans Practical Guide | NDC Partnership
- No Pads, No School: Girls’ Education Going Down the Toilet | ReliefWeb
- Globally, periods are causing girls to be absent from school | World Bank
- Puberty education & menstrual hygiene management | UNESCO Digital Library
- Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2nd Edition | ReliefWeb
- Climate Risk Country Profile Vietnam | ReliefWeb
- Does Women’s Leadership in Vietnam Matter? | World Bank
- Women’s Representation in Leadership in Vietnam | UNDP
- Unleashing the potential of Vietnamese women farmers as change agents | CGIAR
- Women of the Lagoon: confronting Climate Change in coastal Vietnam | APWLD
- How Vietnamese women are fighting back against climate change | Quartz
- Gender Equality | NDC Partnership
- Women in agriculture | FAO
- Gender adaptation and disaster risk reduction | UNDP
- Women and Climate Change Factsheet | UN
- Resource Guide on Gender and Climate Change | UNDP
- Climate Justice: A Man-Made Problem with a Feminist Solution | Mary Robinson | Bloomsbury Publishing
- All We Can Save | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katherine K. Wilkinson
- Systems, Power & Gender | UNDP
- Gender & Climate Change | UNDP
- Klimaatverandering en gender – Verkennende studie Atria
Hoofdstuk 3
- What is climate justice? | Climate Action UK
- Quantifying national responsibility for climate breakdown | The Lancet Planetary Health
- What is ‘climate justice’? | Yale Climate Connections
- Climate Change: Why the Tropical Poor Will Suffer Most | MIT
- Kimberlé Crenshaw | TED
- 7 Reasons Why Patriarchy Is Bad (And Feminism Is Good) For Men
- NDC Partnership Gender Strategy
- Conservation Group Introduces Tree Equity Score to Highlight Environmental Racism | EcoWatch
- Racism derails our attempts to fight the climate crisis | Washington Post
- International Migrant Stock | UN Population Division
- Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines – Netherlands | World Bank
- National Poverty in America Awareness | Census 2022
- Hurricanes hit the poor the hardest | Brookings Institution
- Climate Change Will Linger After Carbon Emissions Fall | NPR
- Average age of leaders at taking office | ResearchGate
- Average Age for C-Suite Members | WorldatWork
- Leeftijd Tweede Kamerleden |
- R46705 |
- How Old is Congress? | Quorum
- How Environmental and Climate Injustice Affects the LGBTQI+ Community | Center for American Progress
- The Planetary Trust: Conservation and Intergenerational Equity | Edith Brown Weiss
- In Fairness to Future Generations and Sustainable Development
- Zonder toekomstgerichte vijftigplussers is Nederland verloren | De Correspondent
- Episode 74: What Are LGBTQ+ Responses to Climate Change? | Citizens’ Climate Lobby
- Queering Environmental Justice | Yale
- Klimaat Archieven | OneWorld
- Queer and present danger: understanding the disparate impacts of disasters on LGBTQ+ communities – Goldsmith | Wiley Online Library
- Kimberlé Crenshaw: The urgency of intersectionality | TED Talk
- On Intersectionality: Essential Writings by Kimberlé W. Crenshaw | Columbia
- Inclusive Language Guide
Hoofdstuk 4
- Fridays For Future Strike Statistics
- New Documents Unveiled in Congressional Hearings Show Oil Companies Are Slow-Rolling and Overselling Climate Initiatives, Democrats Say | Inside Climate News
- Klimaat moet topprioriteit zijn van nieuw kabinet | NRC
- How Youth Activist Xiye Bastida Became a Leader in the Climate Fight | Vogue
- Leaders’ Summit on Climate: Young activist Xiye Bastida | Katoikos
- “You can’t have climate justice without gender equality” | UN Women
- Vanessa Nakate Bigger Picture: Climate Justice in Africa | TIME
- Facts and figures | UNCTAD
- Vanessa Nakate: Climate change is about the people | United Nations
- UN Fact Sheet on Climate Change – Africa | UNFCCC
- Netherlands CO2 Emissions | Worldometer
- Mozambique Africa 2021-22 Floods and Cyclones | ReliefWeb
- ‘Like I wasn’t there’: climate activist Vanessa Nakate on being erased from a movement | Guardian
- UNFCCC COP 21/CMP 11 (Side Events) | IISD Reporting Services
- Intersectional Environmentalist
- Book — Green Girl Leah
- Intersectional Environmentalism: A Crash Course | Medium
- Dirt Road Revival
- This 11-Year-Old Activist Has Picked Up More Than 100,000 Pieces of Plastic | Global Citizen
- Licypriya Kangujam | The Child Movement
- Bye Bye Plastic Bags
- Jonge Klimaatagenda 3.0 | Jonge Klimaatbeweging
- Wat we doen | Jonge Klimaatbeweging
- Jongerenadvies Klimaatbeleid – HOME
- Educating Girls is More Effective in the Climate Emergency than Many Green Technologies | Resilience
- Health and Education | Project Drawdown
- 193 Youth Representatives join Malala Yousafzai at UN Sustainable Development Summit
- Malala Yousafzai urges world leaders at UN to promise safe, quality education for every child | UN
- KLM Accused of Greenwashing in Lawsuit Over ‘Fly Responsibly’ Ads | Bloomberg
- Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless, analysis shows | Carbon offsetting | The Guardian
Hoofdstuk 5
- Wat is het koolstofbudget waarbij opwarming van de aarde onder de 1,5 graad blijft? | KlimaatHelpdesk
- ‘Governing the Commons’ by Elinor Ostrom | Book Review Scott London
- 5 Economists Redefining… Everything. Oh Yes, And They’re Women | Forbes
- MIT Economics: Esther Duflo
- Wie kookte voor Adam Smith? | Groene Amsterdammer
- Doughnut | Kate Raworth
- Donuteconomie | Uitgeverij Nieuw Amsterdam
- Recklessness defined: breaking 6 of 9 planetary boundaries of safety | Yale Climate Connections
- What is the Doughnut? | DEAL
- Amsterdam to embrace ‘doughnut’ model to mend post-coronavirus economy | The Guardian
- What we do | Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- Helft van Europa’s ‘donkergroene’ fondsen investeert in fossiele industrie of luchtvaart | Follow the Money
- Eva Gladek | Metabolic
- Projects | Metabolic
- Mariana Mazzucato
- Moonshot | Uitgeverij Nieuw Amsterdam
- Corporate Tax Haven Index 2021 | TaxJustice
- Subsidie voor fossiele brandstoffen ongekend groot | MeJudice
- Fossil Fuel Subsidies | IMF
- UNDP: More spent on fossil fuel subsidies than fighting poverty | Africa Renewal
- Turning tax into a force for good | The Ex’tax Project
- Het tijdperk van het neoliberalisme loopt ten einde | De Correspondent
- The Deficit Myth
- De mythe van de staatsschuld | Ambo|Anthos Uitgevers
- Vandana Shiva: How to decolonize the global economy | YouTube
- Vandana Shiva | NCCA
- Vandana Shiva: How Growth Creates Poverty and Climate Chaos
- Agricultural Hero: Vandana Shiva | OneEarth
- Book | This Changes Everything
- Fair Solar Netwerk
- IMF Strategy to Help Members Address Climate Change Related Policy Challenges
- IMF Executive Board Approves Establishment of the Resilience and Sustainability Trust
- Women are fixing the planet | Mail & Guardian
- Green energy could save Europe €1 trillion in fossil fuel costs | WEF
- Climate leaders welcome reforming WTO chief, as carbon trade wars loom | ClimateChangeNews
- WTO DG Okonjo-Iweala on World Environment Day 2021: Harness sustainable trade to protect the planet
- End trade barriers to help tackle climate crisis, says WTO chief | Guardian
- Further Delaying Climate Policies Will Hurt Economic Growth | IMF
- It’s Time for a Woman to Lead the World Bank | Fortune
- All We Can Save | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katherine K. Wilkinson
- Wat denken ‘gewone mensen’ van klimaatverandering? | RTL Nieuws
- Circular Economy | Sustainability Guide
- Big World Small Planet | Johan Rockstrom
- Master circular business models with the Value Hill | TU Delft Research Portal
- Relatie tussen circulaire economie en de Sustainable Development Goals | CBS
- 3 Essential Steps to Financing Circular Business Models | Circle Economy
- Wat is het verschil tussen een circulaire en een lineaire economie? | Het Groene Brein
- Werking circulaire economie | Circulaire economie |
Hoofdstuk 6
- All We Can Save | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katherine K. Wilkinson
- Youth and 2020 NDCs: A Driving Force for Higher Climate Ambition | NDC Partnership
- Costa Rica | Climate Action Tracker
- Global Yaadie: Connecting the world through impact
- Behind the Scenes with Youth Climate Communicator Dainalyn Swaby | USAID
- World’s Youth for Climate Justice
- Nu is het aan ons – Eva Rovers | De Correspondent
- Zuhal Demir, stikstofminister in Vlaanderen | Volkskrant
- Who We Are | The Green Belt Movement
- About Wangari Maathai | Wangari Maathai Foundation
- Wangari Maathai, the woman of trees, dies | Africa Renewal
- Wangari Maathai | Nobel Prize
- Youth Speech in the Open Working Group (NL-AUS-UK)
Hoofdstuk 7
- Invisible Women | Caroline Criado Perez
- Reference man | NPO Start
- Mijn bullshitbaan | VPRO
- De evolutionaire oorsprong van het patriarchaat | Humanistisch Verbond
- Women’s rights and the law | UN Women
- The origins of sexism | New Scientist
- Voetafdruktest | WWF-NL
- The Misogyny of Climate Deniers | New Republic
- Why Conservative White Males Are More Likely to Be Climate Skeptics | Scientific American
- German far right targets Greta Thunberg in anti-climate push | Greenpeace
- Tucker Carlson attacks Greta Thunberg, calls her an “emotionally damaged child”
- Nobel Prize
- Wie kookte voor Adam Smith? | Groene Amsterdammer
- Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner? | Goodreads
- The Relationship between Marketing and Capitalism | Philip Kotler
- How Wealth Inequality Powers Climate Change | Bloomberg
- Carbon emissions of richest 1% more than double the emissions of the poorest half | Oxfam International
- The Stern Review – The Economics of Climate Change
- Paul Polman | LinkedIn
- The true price of a chocolate bar | Tony’s Chocolonely
- Klimaatcampagne ‘Iedereen doet wat’ van start | Rijksoverheid
- Reclaiming Development
- Climate Change is Colonialism | NiCHE
- 8 West African countries rename currency in historic break from France, but colonial-era debts persist
- To fix the climate crisis, we must face up to our imperial past | openDemocracy
- Harmonizing positive environmental & social impact
- The Trouble with White Women | Duke University
- White women were colonisers too | Ruby Hamad
- (How) Climate Change is a Hangover of Colonialism, Exploitation, and Slavery | umair haque
- Quantifying national responsibility for climate breakdown | The Lancet
- Why climate change is inherently racist | BBC
- Measuring Poverty Overview | World Bank
- Report: $100B climate finance commitment won’t be met until 2023 | Devex
- World Energy Outlook 2022 | IEA
- Dear UN Secretary-General Guterres: Deliver on climate action | Greenbiz
- St. Maarten Is Still Striving to Recover from Its Worst Hurricane in a Century | New Yorker
- Puerto Rico received less hurricane aid than Florida and Texas after major storms | Orlando Weekly
- Climate change impacts within the Dutch Caribbean | DCNA
- Nederlands Juristenblad, Klimaat en het Koninkrijk | Navigator
- De Grote Vervuilers | Greenpeace Nederland
- Klimaatverandering wordt existentiële crisis op de eilanden | Caribisch Netwerk
- EU NDC Submission December 2020 | UNFCCC
- The Carbon Inequality Era: An assessment of the global distribution of consumption emissions among individuals from 1990 to 2015 and beyond | SEI
- Confronting Carbon Inequality: Putting climate justice at the heart of the COVID-19 recovery
- Jason Hickel | Less is More
- The unbearable heaviness of climate coloniality | ScienceDirect
- White Women | Regina Jackson and Saira Rao
- The Patriarchs | Angela Saini
Hoofdstuk 8
- Key Facts and Statistics | Child Welfare Information Gateway
- Foster Care – Children’s Rights
- The Foster Care Crisis: What Caused Caseloads to Grow? | JSTOR
- Gun Deaths Surged During the Pandemic’s First Year | New York Times
- Resultaten Ontwikkelingssamenwerking Seksuele en reproductieve gezondheid en rechten inclusief hiv/aids (SRGR)
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
- Abortion ban may lead to a 21% increase in pregnancy-related deaths | University of Colorado Boulder
- Black women four times more likely to die in childbirth | BBC
- Sex education: Americans misled on what ‘comprehensive’ means | USA Today
- CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) | World Bank
- Erkenning voor de wet | Transgender Netwerk Nederland
- Over TNN | Transgender Netwerk Nederland
- Women and the Sustainable Development Goals – SDG 4 Quality education | UN Women
- Girls’ and women’s education in STEM | UNESCO
- Global Gender Gap Report 2020 | World Economic Forum
- 88% of Countries Restrict Women’s Economic Advancement
- Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage | ReliefWeb
- Waarom vrouwen minder verdienen | Sophie van Gool
- Sophie van Gool over waarom vrouwen minder verdienen
- Only 35% of Global Labor Income is Earned by Women | Women Icons Network
- Time spent in unpaid work; total work burden; and work-life balance | UN
- Billionaires Have More Wealth Than 4.6 billion People | TIME
- Number of billionaires by gender 2019 | Statista
- Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world | Oxfam International
- Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos’s Deluded, Pointless Space Race | The New Republic
- The Billionaire Space Race Has Big Climate Costs | TIME
- Women more than men adjust their careers for family life | Pew Research Center
- Wat voor invloed heeft vader worden op je werk?
- Finland’s Female-Led Government Gives Men and Women Nearly Seven Months Paid Parental Leave | Forbes
- Facts and figures: Women’s leadership and political participation | UN Women
- Women’s Power Index | Council on Foreign Relations
- Kabinetten sinds 1945 | Rijksoverheid
- Nederland en gendergelijkheid: nog een wereld te winnen
- The 2022 Global State of Women’s Leadership | HolonIQ
- Research: Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills | HBR
- New York Times Rates 61 of Trump’s Businesses, Concludes 40% Failed | BusinessInsider
- The 26 Women Who Have Accused Trump of Sexual Misconduct | BusinessInsider
- Hillary Rodham Clinton | The White House
- Donald Trump Didn’t Really Win 52% of White Women in 2016 | Time
- Sexism and misogyny heightened; women’s freedoms suppressed | UN News
- Forced Labor and Forced Marriage | ILO-IOM
- Forced labor, modern slavery and human trafficking | ILO
- Why women STEM majors are less likely than men to persist in completing a STEM degree: More than the individual | ScienceDirect
Hoofdstuk 9
- Women leaders worldwide 1960-2022 | Statista
- Only 8% of CEOs are women | Fortune
- CEO Shell over gaswinning Groningen: ‘Ik beschouw Rutte als vriend’ | BNR
- Shell fluisterde Nederlands standpunt in over gas uit Rusland | Follow the Money
- Rapport over Lobbyen in Nederland
- De lobbycratie | Transparency International Nederland
- Wat is netwerkcorruptie en hoe bedreigt het onze democratie? | BNNVARA
- Network corruption: when social capital becomes corrupted: Its meaning and significance in corruption and network theory and the consequences for (EU) policy and law | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Incumbents and institutions in sustainability transitions | UU
- Hoekstra zet benoeming van man op topfunctie Buitenlandse Zaken door | NOS
- Outlook for 2022 and beyond | Shell
- Just 100 companies responsible for 71% of global emissions | Guardian
- Investing In Disaster | Oil Change International
- The Top Billionaire Donors of the Republican Presidential Field | Atlantic
- Facebook’s conservative shift | Washington Post
- What is woke: How a Black movement watchword got co-opted in a culture war | Vox
- ‘Versterkte corona wantrouwen in politiek en politici? Wat we vandaag zien, is al veel langer bezig’ | Knack
- Misogynie als politiek wapen | Groene Amsterdammer
- Nul zwarte politici in de nieuwe Tweede Kamer | Volkskrant
- Vrouwen in de Tweede Kamer | Parlement
- Kranten benadelen vrouwelijke politiek leiders door de manier waarop ze over hen schrijven | Volkskrant
- Waarom vrouwelijke politici een buitensporige bak drek over zich heen krijgen | Trouw
- Women still do more household chores than men | BBC
- Gender Stereotypes and Their Impact on Women’s Career Progressions from a Managerial Perspective
- #BiasCorrect | Catalyst
- Meta-analysis of penalties for women’s implicit and explicit dominance behavior | PsycNET
- Hoe gender bias invloed heeft op je kansen | WOMEN Inc.
- New Term “Hepeat” Describes Men Repeating Women’s Ideas and Getting Credit | Allure
- Women in Leadership: Surmounting Barriers and Bias
- Evenveel vrouwen als mannen met hbo- of wo-diploma | CBS
- Female startup founders |
- Are female innovators being shortchanged? | Springwise
- Male and Female Entrepreneurs Get Asked Different Questions by VCs and It Affects How Much Funding They Get | HBR
- Does Investor Gender Matter for the Success of Female Entrepreneurs?
- Ruim 1 op 5 jonge vrouwen ervaart seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag op werk | Volkskrant
- Meerderheid vrouwen seksueel geïntimideerd op werkvloer | CNV
- Samen kunnen we geweld tegen vrouwen stoppen
- LHBTIQ+ | Centrum Seksueel Geweld
- Seksueel misbruik Nederland| Fonds Slachtofferhulp
- Calls for change in handling abuse allegations at top conservation group
- A Year Into #MeToo, Public Worried About False Allegations
- Why Sexual Harassment Programs Backfire | HBR
- MeToo COP | ClimateChangeNews
- 2 executives depart Nature Conservancy after harassment probe | POLITICO
- UN, NGOs issue harassment warning as climate delegates prepare to party | ClimateChangeNews
- Climate NGO chief Wael Hmaidan sacked over bullying, harassment of staff | ClimateChangeNews
- Sexual harassment at UN talks weakens the fight against climate change | ClimateChangeNews
- Me too: I left the climate movement because of its toxic culture | ClimateChangeNews
- Me too: I was sexually harassed at UN climate negotiations | ClimateChangeNews
- Global crisis of violence against women and girls | World Bank
- Femicide: A Global Problem | Small Arms Survey
- Killed for campaigning: Meet the women fighting the coal giants | Euronews
- It Was the Deadliest Year Ever For Land And Environmental Activists | NPR
- Wall Street Rule for the #MeToo Era: Avoid Women at All Cost | Bloomberg
- Working Relationships in the #MeToo Era (US) | LeanIn
- Femicide: A Global Problem | Small Arms Survey
- Femicide: Everything You Need to Know | Global Citizen
- Role of Climate Change in Exacerbating Sexual and Gender-Based | UN
- Climate Change Increases the Risk of Violence Against Women | UNFCCC
- #ExxonKnew
- Why Is There Still No High-Speed Rail Network in America? |
- Lobby Watch Nederland
- Lifting the Lid on Lobbying: Enhancing Trust in Public Decision-making in the Netherlands
- Jeroen van der Veer | Management Scope
- Geen vrouwenquotum, maar een mannenquotum voor bestuursfuncties | Change Inc.
- Women’s Participation in the UNFCCC: 2022 Report | WEDO
Hoofdstuk 10
- The Paris Agreement | UNFCCC
- THE 17 GOALS | UN Sustainable Development
- NDC Partnership Gender Strategy
- Grenada’s Expanded and Inclusive 2020 NDC | NDC Partnership
- Making Disaster Risk Reduction Gender-Sensitive Policy and Practical Guidelines | UNDP
- The country trailblazing the fight against disasters | BBC
- Women’s leadership key to reducing disaster mortality | UNDRR
- Climate justice | WECF
- Women in agriculture: Closing the gender gap for development
- Eerlijke Energietransitie Rapport NL | Clingendael
- Homepage | WECF
- Energy solutions | WECF
- Climate Justice | WECF
- Menstruation matters | WECF
- The Decision to Have a Women-Only Rail Car Strikes This Commentator as a Good One | NPR
- Gender-Responsive NDC Action Plans Practical Guide | NDC Partnership
- NDC Partnership Gender Strategy: Catalyzing More Impactful Climate Action
- How Eswatini Is Using Gender Analysis to Drive Climate Action | NDC Partnership
- Gender mainstreaming in NDC update and review of Vietnam | UNFCCC
- Nepal Climate NDC and Gender ScoreCard
- Gender Equality and NDCs | CARE
- Onderzoek Fast Fashion | Rijksoverheid
- ABP stopt met beleggen in producenten van fossiele brandstoffen | ABP
- Climate Action Venn Diagrams | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
- Nederlandse industrie is sinds 2018 ‘nauwelijks duurzamer’ geworden | NRC
- Africa-EU Green Talks Summary | Friends of Europe
- Home | Both ENDS
- Vanessa, Greta, Luz en Susan | GroenLinks
- Women Engage for a Common Future | WECF
- Bridging the gender digital gender divide | Plan International
- See the horrifying place where your old clothes go to die | Fast Company
- The Fashion Industry Waste Is Drastically Contributing to Climate Change
- Women’s Environment & Development Organization | WEDO
- Gender Climate Tracker
- Gender Equality | NDC Partnership
- Gender & Environment Resource Center | IUCN
- Women & Gender Constituency | UNFCCC
Hoofdstuk 11
- Er zijn meer Nederlandse ceo’s die Peter heten dan directeuren die vrouw zijn | AD
- CEOs Named John Outnumber Total Number of Woman CEOs
- Call in the women | Nature
- Jimmy Carter: How Empowering Women Can Solve Climate Change | TIME
- Gender Equality and State Environmentalism | JSTOR
- Grenada Ministry of Climate Resilience, The Environment & Renewable Energy
- Mairi McAllan MSP | Scottish Government
- Deze 26-jarige vrouw is de jongste minister ooit in Zweden | RTL Nieuws
- Anouk Gielen (23) voorgedragen als nieuwe provinciale lijsttrekker GroenLinks | NH Nieuws
- Barbados PM Mottley leads the charge against climate change | UNEP
- Mia Mottley builds global coalition to make financial system fit for climate action | ClimateChangeNews
- Climate change action: These seven women MPs are leading the way | Inter-Parliamentary Union
- Gender differences in charitable giving | Wiley
- Who Funds the First Against Climate Change? | Bank of the West
- Women Score Higher Than Men in Most Leadership Skills | HBR
- World’s worst pandemic leaders
- Women Are Better Leaders During a Crisis | HBR
- Why quotas work for gender equality | OECD
- Indigenous people protect more of Earth’s biodiversity than countries do | Vox
- Environment & Climate Justice | NAACP
- Biden new environmental justice office to oversee $3 billion in grants | CNBC
- Janet L. Yellen | Federal Reserve History
- Yellen lays out ‘bold’ climate agenda for U.S. economy, markets | Reuters
- Who has contributed most to global CO2 emissions?
- German Flood Deaths Highlight Climate Change Risks for People with Disabilities | HRW
- Kabinet breekt belofte om te stoppen met internationale financiering voor fossiele energie | Both ENDS
- We kunnen niet op boomer-bestuurders wachten om bedrijven klimaatbewust te maken | Volkskrant
- The kids are not ok. – Julia Steinberger | Medium
- ‘The Time Has Come’: Barbados Casts Off the Queen as Head of State, and Others May Follow | The New York Times
- In solidarity with Kauthar Bouchallikht | Racism | Al Jazeera
- Politica in het Europees Parlement | Kim Sparrentak | UvA
- The Confidence Code | Kathy Kay & Claire Shipman
- When Women Lead | Julia Boorstin
Hoofdstuk 12
- Mentorship Lounge: Paul Polman & Ralien Bekkers | YouTube
- 6 Roles Male Leaders Should Play to Support Gender Equality at Work | GovLoop
- The Valuable 500
- B Corp Certification
- Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and a Conspiracy to Protect Predators by Ronan Farrow
- 200 ambtenaren tekenen brief met oproep aan Blok | NOS
- You’re Fired! Gender Disparities in CEO Dismissal | SagePub
- Hoekstra onder vuur, topfuncties te vaak naar mannen | NOS
- Five Ways Men Can Improve Gender Diversity at Work | BCG
- The Barbershop Toolbox | HeForShe
- Meer Vrouwen in de Politiek
- How diversity, equity, and inclusion matter | McKinsey
- 5 Learnings Leading a Global Gender Equality Initiative
- Do male climate change ‘sceptics’ have a problem with women? | LSE
- Home is Always Worth It. | Mary Annaïse Heglar
- Six things Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu said about Women | ONE
- This Is Why Jimmy Carter Wants More Women in Office | GlobalCitizen
- President Barack Obama on Feminism, Michelle, and His Daughters | Glamour
- Malala Yousafzai’s Dad on the Importance of Girl’s Education | GIWPS
- Top 10 Reasons You Have a Fear of Success | Forbes
- Why women are more burned out than men | UNICEF Global Development Commons
- Teenage girls, body image and Instagram’s ‘perfect storm’ | Guardian
- I Weigh Community
- What drives you in life: Ralien Bekkers at TEDxMaastricht | YouTube
- Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) | Catalyst
- Blue Sky Analytics
- How to Find Common Ground in the Bitter Climate Debate | Yale E360
- How Misogyny Imperiled Iran’s Regime | Foreign Policy
- #MeToo Five Years Later | The New York Times
- Statistics & Reports: 2021 | Office of International Students & Scholars | Yale
- RIVM: Tata Steel stoot veel meer kankerverwekkende stoffen uit dan verwacht | RTL Nieuws
- All We Can Save | Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katherine K. Wilkinson
- Podcast – DAMN, HONEY (